Introduction and how to get the most out of this workshop series
Welcome to this workshop series on understanding desire in long term relationships.!
Maintaining desire in a relationship with the same partner over time is challenging for many people. In fact, issues around sexual desire, or differences in desire within a couple are the top reason people seek sex therapy. The science around desire is startling, and knowing how desire works is the key to being in the driving seat of how you want desire to feature in your relationship moving forward. In this workshop, I will give you all the knowledge you need to understand how desire is currently featuring in your relationship (and why).
This workshop covers the same information that you might learn in sex therapy sessions around desire with me, but at a fraction of the cost! You can watch the sessions alone, with a partner, or both. We recommend watching them together if you are in a relationship, but if you are unsure or your partner isn't keen you will still get a great deal out of watching alone. You can always get them to catch up later if needed.
By the end of these sessions you will feel dramatically different about your desire and what you need to move forward with desire in the way that you would like. This is the information all of us should know, but none of us are told! I'm passionate about helping people understand desire, so that they no longer need to feel broken if its not featuring in the way that they, or their partner would like.
Join me and let's get started!
A note about language and inclusivity.
I’ll be talking about how desire operates for ALL people, as plenty of people experience concerns about their desire. This course is for people of all sexualities so if you are in an opposite sex or same sex couple you are welcome and included here. The majority of people with concerns about their desire are women (a third of women in the UK are concerned about their desire!), but concerns about desire also affect men, with almost 1 in 5 men in the UK concerned about their lack of interest in sex also. * The content here will be useful either way.
Trans and non-binary people- there is a growing body of research (as well as much expert community discourse) into aspects of sex such as desire for trans and non binary people which includes specifics around the impact of social and medical transition on sexual response and confidence and the impact of gender dysphoria on desire. I wont be covering this in this workshop but recommend you read Queer Sex by Juno Roche which is a great book in this arena. You will of course find that much of the content in this course is equally as helpful, as the key processes of desire operate in the same way for all people, and all of us are influenced by our psychology, relationship dynamics and past sexual experiences whatever our gender identity. Still, I’m very aware of the limitations of the binary nature of sex science in the past, and I wanted to flag this for you in advance as I wont be covering aspects of how transition or gender dysphoria affects desire in this workshop series specifically.
*Natsal data, 2013 (check out their website for more)